One of the most important success factors in treatment is patient motivation. Motivation is the impulse for recovery. While communicating with the patient, the doctor also assesses his psychological state, tries to understand the attitude to the disease and the degree of interest in treatment,

Biological rhythms
With all the diversity and ambiguity of the philosophical and physical understanding of time, we can confidently point out its main characteristics: infinity, continuity and cyclicality. Human life from the very moment of conception to death flows along the axis of time and follows its

Evidence based medicine
The term “evidence-based medicine” first appeared in the medical literature in the 90s of the twentieth century thanks to the work of G.P. Guyatt in epidemiology and statistics. Her idea is to use the most objective evidence-based arguments in the practice of medical decision-making. Evidence-based

About diseases
With all the variety of human diseases, they all manifest themselves by changes in three main closely interrelated planes. The first is structural. It reflects the damage caused by the disease at the level of the structures of the human body. Almost every organ or

Limitation of medical knowledge and opportunities
The possibilities of human thinking are limited in comparison with the complexity of our organism, which we try to understand and study. We have to come to terms with this fact. The human body is the most complex biological system known in nature, and it

How to process medical information
Health information is available today from popular literature, professional sources, and especially from the Internet. Classical medicine, represented mainly by Western medical schools, and alternative medicine constantly inform us about the successful results of the treatment of various diseases with new drugs and methods. Medicine

Personalized medicine
In terms of the strategy of using the data of medical science, there are 3 main stages in the history of the development of Western medicine. The first, stage of empirical medicine, was mainly based on the accumulated individual medical experience, generally accepted opinions and

How to choose a doctor
It is possible that in the case of a short, non-dangerous illness or the need to obtain a certain medical document, the identity of the doctor is not something defining. Any average physician can easily perform the necessary routine work and understand a standard situation.

Alternative plan
The human body is the most perfect biological system known in nature. This supersystem has a complex hierarchical organization with unique properties of self-regulation, correction, recovery, which provide us with the ability to adapt, survive and develop. The defining properties of the supersystem is the