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Online Clinic

High-quality virtual medical care for the purpose of follow-up, consultation and treatment

How does it work

Personal medical file

All records in one private virtual place



Personalized, scheduled, constantly controlled & optimized


Close contact to multi-profile experts


Data store

Zero data loss


Data analysis

Permanent, online, multilevel


Availability 24/7

Independent on location and time

| Interaction


Creates personalized medical concept

Defines a set of key parameters for monitoring

Schedules medical regime

Creates timeline for management and follow up

Analyzes, optimizes and upgrades the management strategy


Fills active and passive medical reports

Communicates with doctor

Gets a possibility to add parameters for monitoring on his own

Has access to personal medical information Analyses

Artificial intelligence

Maintains all functions of virtual clinic

Provides independent analysis and reactions to pathological deviations of indicators

Supports patient and doctor’s connection

Performs machine learning

Sends alarms, warnings, reminders and messages

Be advised by the best Israeli doctors

Register now

| Why online clinic?

The rapid development of science and technology has closely affected medicine. New drugs and methods of treatment, the dynamism of changes in therapeutic approaches and concepts, globalization, specialization and integration of medical disciplines fundamentally distinguish medicine in recent years.

Medicine has become more scientific, intensive and effective. The very relationship between doctor and patient has changed. Today’s patient requires a modern level of service and information, is a partner in taking medical decisions and is the owner of knowledge, and more often an opinion on the topic of interest. The possibility of a new quality of relations between patient and patient is provided by the use of computer technologies and networks.